Being the man in charge of the most powerful nation on earth is not an easy feat indeed, it entails endless hours debating and pondering the lives and future of millions of people. Sleepless nights and making decisions, tough decisions that can make or break the country for the player it is on the global scene. Many US presidents have been criticized and scorned for their foreign and national policies but it all falls into history and who hasn’t been. Almost all politicians have somebody who hates their ways and that goes to say for most American Presidents of past. America being a melting pot of several cultures has had to politically deal with such critical issues as racism and other very volatile situations. The running of Obama for the presidency was seen by many as a step into the unknown but he began as a “likable” enough character that the American public stopped and listened.
Scandals with his church, policy and many bent words have put him under fire from the left and right but his overall indifference to the war in Iraq and other issues has begun to sway many supporters to take a second look at him and his overall policy making abilities. His opponents see him as an inexperienced lawmaker with policy suggestions that border on the insane (like his words of getting to sit down and negotiate with IRAN and other countries past presidents have considered to be terrorist supporters or just plain and simple enemies). Many do question his ability if ever he wins the elections (which would be a first as the first black president of the proud American Nation) both politically and personally to lead. He started with remarks of ending the war in Iraq which has taxed heavy on the American economy and the many lives that have been lost.
His abilities remain to be seen but he started out as a breath of fresh air but down the line has become just one of the guys, after the presidency as a political leader. Nobody knows what the elections would bring but one things for sure, the public is in need of a fresh face and a strong figure at the helm to lead them in the coming years as America reels form the effects of the troubled global economy.
Originally posted on July 1, 2008 @ 10:17 am