We see a lot of people taking up higher studies. Normally these are the additional vocational degrees or the professional schools we know as Masters degrees. While not all people can have the time or afford to get into them, being adjudged a certified MBA degree holder logically holds a brighter future for anyone. Or does it?
For one, the philosophical hypothesis that most MBA graduates hold are often for the better in any business perspective. Advanced education often holds that people with MBA degrees are seasoned and adequately trained to handle real life issues in the world of business and management. But while that is something expected today, it seems that the surplus of MBA degree holders has been somewhat overflowing, making it a standoff as far as choosing the right person with the right degree to handle a business that wants to follow a certain route.
Especially now that most companies are experiencing a lot of turbulence in the business world, one cannot help but think if MBA degree holders still have a bearing in business entities. Are they a need at this point?
From the way things are going, it seems business can function without them. It is either that or companies are just trying to preserve their salary caps since MBA degree holders will be asking for the stars.
With that in mind, does the MBA philosophy make any sense? Why take up advanced professional studies if they are no longer recognized in the field of business? Maybe for entrepreneurs it is a requirement but as far as career is concerned, a lot of questions on why they should take an MBA degree is in the air.
Originally posted on April 19, 2011 @ 9:08 pm