The much talked about financial bailout move of the US government is deeply under scrutiny and as concerned citizens, many would think that such a move may perhaps be a good one. But if you are in the business and political sector, it may be not necessarily a sound one.
For one, how can such a move be based on the fact that big companies such as Lehman Brothers and the ongoing sale of some others like Morgan Chase Bank be the basis of it all? Are we forgetting the concept of probably mismanagement and bad business practice? Let me reiterate, where is capitalism and what has happened to it? If this becomes a trend, what would stop smaller companies from demanding and seeking aid from the government?
That is why the philosophy of making sound decisions in office is entirely crucial. You simply cannot please everyone. But the fact remains, while such a move is viewed by many as a common good for all, you really cannot generalize at this point. How can you explain such a financial bailout plan to the smaller companies that simply fold up and not ask for help?
In fact, some may even call it a discriminate move. It is true that the US is teetering on the brink of economic disaster but still, political intervention is something that is bound to get a lot of attention. Wise move or not, the fact remains, that this economic crisis that the US is under is far from over.
Originally posted on December 30, 2008 @ 4:36 am