Recall the all-time hit song of Madonna, “Material Girl” and you may find the lyrics properly depicting what materialism is really all about. While the song points more towards females, there are men who have their share of being materialistic as well.
Why do people become materialistic? A lot of it stems from how they were brought up and of course being exposed to various lifestyles and needs to which jealousy is included in the mix of being lured into materialistic issues.
Indeed we cannot tell anyone not to be drawn to materialism. Anyone is susceptible towards it. Noteworthy are the hard times and of course the lack of satisfaction as far as personal wants is concerned and perhaps you may understand why their differing beliefs have classified them as being too materialistic rather than being good overall individuals.
There is not theoretic claim that materialism is something can be avoided. Even the external factors like social and cultural issues do not have an actual point in it all although they are sure to have contributed towards its evolution in people.
But what really catches the ire of many is the fact that materialism can sometime become overly pitiful. Some people fail to realize how it can affect them as a person and in fact deprives them from fending off materialism as well.
What really makes it entirely pathetic is people losing their personal values in lieu of materialistic desires. Some have gone past it while others have not. Whatever it cases, I am sure no one wants to be branded a materialistic person.
Originally posted on June 14, 2011 @ 12:02 am